Thursday, October 12, 2006

Guess what I GOT????

So, I am a LITTLE late posting this one, but I got the BEST birthday surprise!!!! My dear friend from college, Becky Nels, is the most amazing pastry chef/baker gal/store owner/cook -- or all of the above and she MAILED me a cake for my birthday!!! I FINALLY ate a piece last night and it was AMAZING! It was white cake with a chocolate layer in the middle that was thick and rich chocolate. Then the icing was a soft white icing on the inside, but a harder outter shell that allowed for the cute decoration. It was incredible! And it had been shipped and frozen. She could EASILY have an internet business! Even Joe who doesn't eat cake was in awe and I thought I would lose the entire cake to his empathetic pregnancy appetite!

Becky, THANK you for the great cake!!!! You are the best and truly made my day!

For those of you that don't believe how huge your belly can REALLY get, I will send you my 25 week belly shot. I should probably be embarrassed by these, but they just amaze me. And when you see your stomach hopping around, you just know that this is something much greater than us -- God has an amazing way of growing babies.

One of my friends called yesterday and asked what exactly I do with all this free time. I have been SOOOOO blessed with relatively no problems and I get lots done. I went to an auction yesterday morning, then I went to meet with my monogramming friend and we talked about maybe opening a little business together, then I went by goodwill to drop off a bunch of stuff, then I went to my sister's to pick up some things, and I met my husband for lunch and I went to the jeweler too. Did you know they keep wish lists and will send your husband "reminder" emails of big events??? (quite passive aggressive, but I liked making a wish list...hahaha)

Hapy Thursday!!!!


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