Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The end is in sight

What a fabulous adventure this has been. I have certainly enjoyed being pregnant. I have to laugh because the other day a good friend of mine called and said, "Peggy, I feel SO badly for you with all this discomfort and all...." And I laughed at her and said, "don't tell anyone, but this is really a great gig! I sleep until about 10 every morning, Law and Order re-runs all day, playing spades online, more meals are brought to the house -- I am eating like a Queen, I take about 4 baths a day, my doctor tells me gain more weight and don't overdo it! My husband takes me to the mall in a wheelchair (when I beg), friends call and visit, I am organized with all my bills and paperwork and I am growing three little miracle angels! Can life REALLY get better???" I suppose this is God's gift to me before the storm, eh??

So, where I was starting with this post was to give you a little update on the "medical" situation. I went to see my doctor yesterday and my blood pressure was up some...140/90 which for me is quite high. Plus, the swelling in my hands and feet (which I still think were from waiting for him too long...haha) leads him to believe the end is in sight. He took some blood work to check all my organs and make sure they are not compromised. I can tell you -- my poor little liver alone is working for 4 people (a college kids dream, right) and I would not be surprised if my body says ENOUGH!

So, I go back to the hospital today for a non-stress test for the babies. This is the test where they monitor each babies heart to make certain that there is a good pattern of activity and THEY are not compromised due to the stressful circumstances in their little home.

Then, I go back to my doctor tomorrow to make a game plan. If my body is compromised, we will meet our little people tomorrow -- yikes! If my system is still in good shape, we will start to look at planning a c-section in the next week or so.

We are getting REALLY close!!!
Thanks for all the prayers!


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