Monday, September 10, 2007

Almost Nine Months and Time to BLOG AGAIN!!!!

Today I officially decided to re-build my blog. I cannot believe how little those peanuts were in my last post!!!!

I love sharing stories with all my friends, but it just seems so hard to keep up with my three little lovebugs, let alone my family, friends, neighbors and all the other people that are so special to me!

Today was both a rewarding hair tingling day and a day of tears for the McAuliffes! We woke up at 6 a.m. like we usually do and layed in bed waiting for the chatter in the nursery to rise to full blown crying at about 6:45a.m. (I guess the batteries in their crib toys are out!) We got everybody up and loaded them into their feeding table.

I decided to give them sliced bananas instead of pureed bananas because they are getting bigger and I thought the hand and eye coordination lesson would be good. As it turned out, they ate nearly no bananas and ended up playing with one another’s ears, nose, mouth and getting bananas all over one another INSTEAD of in their mouths.

I then, as usual, pulled them out of the feeding trough one by one and washed them off to get ready for the bottle feed. This morning, Joe fed Danny and I double fisted feeding Colleen and Jimmy.

Mommy bathes Colleen because she has a severe diaper rash – which we can all appreciate. It looks like she decided to run a marathon in burning heat with no underwear on! Her poor little private area is redder than Mommy’s face gets when she runs. The poor little peanut looked like she was in pain. I load her with cream and back to the family room we go.

At this point, Joe goes off to shower and get ready for work and Momma crawls all over the family room floor with her favorite little rascals. We read books, crawl through the playhouse, bang on the toy piano, climb the new car they got from Aunt Mary, and build blocks.

Time to change those morning diapers for the boys too! Jimmy first – holy poopy! I decided that daddy could help a little more and walk Jimmy back to join Daddy in the shower.

So, Joe washes Jimmy and then Danny and I think he enjoyed his morning shower with the boys. They all got new clothes and back to the climbing and toy playing we go.

8:15a.m. and daddy is ready for work. Mind you, I have not had a break of any sort yet. Actually, funny enough, I am in my pajamas and sweating quite well from running to and from the bathroom, pinning the babys down while I attempted to get them new diapers and clothes and tried to play family comedian and entertainer at the same time.

So, Joe comes in to say goodbye and Danny looks up and says “Dada,” as he turns to his daddy. Joe says, “what did he say??? He said DADDY!!!!” I think Joe was so excited to see that for the first time, one of his children said DADA as more than just a sound. Actually, they meant and fully intended to say daddy! He was tickled and his hairs stuck up on his arms as his day was filled. He was so proud and thankful for this one little word. And off Joe went to work….

I put the three babies to bed and go to get ready for work myself. Lucky for me, they all went right down – 8:30a.m. like clock work! I throw in a load of laundry, jump in the shower, brush my teeth, throw on clothes and hit my basement office to get my own workweek in order.

Today is not a typical day because my Aunt Nellie is watching the kids and Isil asked for the day off. So, I was on my own until 9:30a.m when Nellie showed up. Right as she walked in, Jimmy started talking and waking up. They are all up again and the fun is ready to re-light!

Working from home with a small daycare running in your house is a bit of a challenge. So, I quickly throw my stuff in the car and get ready to tackle the day (even if it means finishing office work at Starbucks!)

But, here is where the tears come in….I get ready to leave and all the babies are a bit cranky. Jimmy wants to climb on the toys, but Danny is laying across his back which makes it a bit of a challenge to climb! Colleen is trying to haul ass across the room, but she is so tiny that her pants keep falling off and trapping her legs and mommy hates leaving with all the tears. So, I help out a few more minutes and hold Danny for awhile. I then hand Danny back to Aunt Nellie and I blow kisses to everyone! Danny looks over Nellie’s shoulder and cries “mamamamama” as he begins WAILING really big tears! Oh man! How did Joe get a smiley “dada” and I get the cry baby that makes me feel bad to be going to work. I felt awful!


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