Monday, October 30, 2006

Whew, I BROKE free!

I AM HOME!!!!!! They released me today. I was so excited! You know, have you ever heard of people that get too many DWI's getting sent to "shock therapy?" I think the concept is that if they get too many DWI's, they get sent to jail for the shock value. I decided that that was what I went through this weekend. Shock treatment to keep my ass on the couch for longer periods of time.

My cervix measured 3cm which was just on the borderline. If it was less than 3, I would not have left the hospital, but they released me to home strict bed rest -- which is still FAR better than the hospital! At home, I have my dog, my own food, my TIVO and unlimited law and order, my husband to cuddle with, my own pillows, a view from the window, privacy, AND I get to greet the trick or treaters -- YIPPEEEEEEE! So, I am a happy camper.

My mom is in the kitchen making me some fresh egg salad now....mmmmmmm.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Could this be my new home?

Well, what a weekend!!!! Friday night the Cardinals went to game 5 and man, what an exciting game! They clinched it and won the series. Joe was blessed and went to the game coming home around 5a.m Saturday.

Meanwhile, American Appliances and furniture had a promotion where if the Cardinals won the series, they gave a $500 gift certificate to the first 25 people in the door. Aunt Nellie and Uncle Ted went at 10:30 before the game was over and stood in line, camping out to get the certificate for Joe and I. CAN YOU SAY ABOVE AND BEYOND?? 30 degree weather and 12 hours of standing in line!!!! They are AMAZING! And Saturday morning came along and they got it.

Back at the ranch, I had some bad cramping and came up to the hospital. I really thought it would be a quick visit and then we could go on about our day celebrating Joe's bday. Wrong-o peg! I fought the doctor for a good 20 minutes and in the end my sales techniques were not as strong as his experience teaching at Harvard.

My cervix is shortening which is the start of labor. They are trying to slow it down and if it works, I get to go to bedrest at home. However, if it is shortening more, I am here until I bring babies home with me....

I am attaching a couple pictures from Joe's birthday party at the hospital that dad took on his camera phone. Thanks dad!!!

Stay tuned and thanks for the prayers,


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Have you had a Maternity PHOTOSHOOT???

Well, I have heard it all now! hahaha. I bought a photo package with this great photographer in town who will take pictures of me pregnant (did that last night); then 2 week, 3,6, 9 and 12 month pictures. And it is great because she will go wherever we want -- outside, our house, anyplace!!! She did a GREAT job and a few times, Grati weezled his way in the show. We had a great time and my back is STILL paying the price.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Guess what I GOT????

So, I am a LITTLE late posting this one, but I got the BEST birthday surprise!!!! My dear friend from college, Becky Nels, is the most amazing pastry chef/baker gal/store owner/cook -- or all of the above and she MAILED me a cake for my birthday!!! I FINALLY ate a piece last night and it was AMAZING! It was white cake with a chocolate layer in the middle that was thick and rich chocolate. Then the icing was a soft white icing on the inside, but a harder outter shell that allowed for the cute decoration. It was incredible! And it had been shipped and frozen. She could EASILY have an internet business! Even Joe who doesn't eat cake was in awe and I thought I would lose the entire cake to his empathetic pregnancy appetite!

Becky, THANK you for the great cake!!!! You are the best and truly made my day!

For those of you that don't believe how huge your belly can REALLY get, I will send you my 25 week belly shot. I should probably be embarrassed by these, but they just amaze me. And when you see your stomach hopping around, you just know that this is something much greater than us -- God has an amazing way of growing babies.

One of my friends called yesterday and asked what exactly I do with all this free time. I have been SOOOOO blessed with relatively no problems and I get lots done. I went to an auction yesterday morning, then I went to meet with my monogramming friend and we talked about maybe opening a little business together, then I went by goodwill to drop off a bunch of stuff, then I went to my sister's to pick up some things, and I met my husband for lunch and I went to the jeweler too. Did you know they keep wish lists and will send your husband "reminder" emails of big events??? (quite passive aggressive, but I liked making a wish list...hahaha)

Hapy Thursday!!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Nursery Dresser is Finished!!!!

Well, it has indeed been a SUPER busy week/end. We had Nana's wake and funeral which was AMAZING! All of my cousins were there and most of their kids totaling around 80 of us grandchildren!!!!

I was also able to finish the dresser in the nursery -- I went with a nursery rhyme theme. I need Joe to put the polyurythene on it and it will be complete.

I also scored a BUNCH of clothes from another gal in the multiples club. She has quads and gave me about 5 bags of 0-9 months clothes. She was a blessing!!!! I went over to her house Monday morning and was a little overwhelmed as it looked like she was running a daycare. She had 3 swings, 2 exersaucers, 4 high chairs, activity mats and 4 babies goo-ing at her!!!!! I left quite scared. THREE BABIES!!!! We are in for quite the adventure!!!!