Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Triple Blessings - Happy Birthday!

Colleen Martin 3lbs. 12oz. 16

Daniel Patrick 5lbs 1 oz. 18 3/4

The babies are here! This is Peggy's sister, Mary. I am the guest blogger for the Mama Peggy while she recovers and gets her babies home.

James Joseph 4lbs. 5oz. 18"

Thursday night, Peggy and Joe welcomed 3 healthy babies! All are doing well.

Babies are eating and breathing all on their own...and Peggy has been released to go home and to rest.

We are praying their babies will be home next week...and it looks quite possible!

The most helpful gift so far has been prayers. They have all been answered with 3 happy, healthy babies!

Next on the agenda....the search for baby holders and night feeders.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Guess What??

Well, last night was like one big slumber party at our house. Joe and I were both SO excited thinking today would be the day. We were so gitty and took a LONG time to fall asleep. This morning, he didn't even put on a suit -- he was sure this would be it. He wore his favorite courdoroys and polo, we took one final picture and off to the 8:30 am appointment we went!!!

We got to the doctor's office and he was called away to L&D and was delayed. We finally got back to see him around 10:45 and when we did he told us that a few couples that came in before us informed him there was a nice woman in the waiting room with triplets and she didn't want to go home today...hahaha -- I think he is catching onto my MO.

So, he told me that high blood pressure CAN be a sign of preclamsia, but in my case -- it wasn't. All tests came back normal. Then, he said, well -- let's check the cervix because that is really the bottom line. So, we crossed our fingers and the verdict....I am dilated to about 2-3cm.!!! Guess what that means? TODAY IS THE DAY!!!! Yippee -- we were both sooooo excited.

He called the NICU and labor and delivery and all the other places that need to be "in place" for the delivery and we will go back in at 4pm to get ready for a 7pm delivery. He said we should go home, get a bite to eat and enjoy our last day.

Joe took me to Cuisine d'art for a blueberry muffin -- I have been wanting that for week! And we called our families to let them know and now we are thinking maybe a movie? or maybe a walk in the park (haha) and in a few short hours, we will be happy parents ready to enjoy many sleepless nights!!!!!

Stay tuned and thanks for all the prayers!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The end is in sight

What a fabulous adventure this has been. I have certainly enjoyed being pregnant. I have to laugh because the other day a good friend of mine called and said, "Peggy, I feel SO badly for you with all this discomfort and all...." And I laughed at her and said, "don't tell anyone, but this is really a great gig! I sleep until about 10 every morning, Law and Order re-runs all day, playing spades online, more meals are brought to the house -- I am eating like a Queen, I take about 4 baths a day, my doctor tells me gain more weight and don't overdo it! My husband takes me to the mall in a wheelchair (when I beg), friends call and visit, I am organized with all my bills and paperwork and I am growing three little miracle angels! Can life REALLY get better???" I suppose this is God's gift to me before the storm, eh??

So, where I was starting with this post was to give you a little update on the "medical" situation. I went to see my doctor yesterday and my blood pressure was up some...140/90 which for me is quite high. Plus, the swelling in my hands and feet (which I still think were from waiting for him too long...haha) leads him to believe the end is in sight. He took some blood work to check all my organs and make sure they are not compromised. I can tell you -- my poor little liver alone is working for 4 people (a college kids dream, right) and I would not be surprised if my body says ENOUGH!

So, I go back to the hospital today for a non-stress test for the babies. This is the test where they monitor each babies heart to make certain that there is a good pattern of activity and THEY are not compromised due to the stressful circumstances in their little home.

Then, I go back to my doctor tomorrow to make a game plan. If my body is compromised, we will meet our little people tomorrow -- yikes! If my system is still in good shape, we will start to look at planning a c-section in the next week or so.

We are getting REALLY close!!!
Thanks for all the prayers!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Still Holding

Well, here we are ALMOST 34 weeks and holding! Last night took a toll on me though -- I swear a mack truck came through and ran over me. Or maybe I didn't pick my belly up enough to roll from one side to the other. The nights are funny because I wake up a ton to go to the bathroom, deal with my sore hips and legs carrying all this weight, or try to pick my belly up to move from the right to the left side or vice versa.

We went to the doctor yesterday and they did a non stress test on each baby to be sure their hearts were responding properly. Poor little baby b was trying to sleep, and they woke him up with this little buzzing gadget that looked like the gadget someone who has had a tracheotomy would use to verbalize sounds. Anyhow -- after 3 hours, we were done monitoring and all babies are well! The doctor said he wants me to go into labor as opposed to scheduling anything and that could be as far off as another 2 weeks!!! I CANNOT IMAGINE!

We decided to go out for dinner last night and people stared, pointed and laughed as they saw me walk by....one lady said, "you must be having twins!" And I asked her if she would feel badly if I were just a big girl to start ;)

Then, going to the bathroom was an experience. I couldn't fit into a regular stall! Oh man! I couldn't believe it -- after waddling all the way back there, I get into the stall and couldn't shut the door because my belly was in the way -- I think my body has hit an official "handicapped" position! Wheelchair, bathroom, what's next??

We are certainly blessed to have had such luck growing these little people!!! I can handle some discomfort knowing that it is best for the next several years of their development!!!!!! WOW -- What a responsibility, eh?

Monday, December 04, 2006

33weeks 3 days!

Can you believe it?

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Half the Doorway and Growing!

We went to the doctor on Wednesday for an ultrasound and exam and we left the house with my packed bags and ready for business. I sort of felt like I would have to be dilated and felt good that I had 32 weeks under my belt, seeing that the average triplets are delivered between 32 and 33 weeks. I told Joe he could re-claim his pillows and sleep because his snoring, tossing and turning wife would be in the hospital with their new family.

So, first they measured the babies. The little girl, laying vertically in the middle of my stomach head down, weighed in at 4.5lbs!!!! The second boy was tough to measure because his foot was somewhere in my unmentionables and not able to be scanned, but they guessed him to be around 3.5lbs. He was head up and laying next to his sister. And the third little boy, still laying horizontally but had turned 180 degrees with his head about to pop out of my rib cage on the right, weighed in at 4lbs. All babies looked great!!! I was a little disappointed that they weren't all well over 4lbs, but hopeful seeing that the smallest was probably not an accurate weight. I felt good and was again happy to know this was it!

Now, for the exam -- the doctor says he thinks the cervix is still between 1-2cm and has not opened at all! Not dilated and looks good! He then tells me to book ultrasounds for the next THREE WEEKS, at which point I asked him if he was smoking crack or thinking of offering me some to get THROUGH the next three weeks! We all laughed and he said we would take it one day at a time, but that I have been very lucky this pregnancy!

He is right -- I am blessed. I have had a great team of people praying for us, the best husband in the world to tolerate mood swings from Venus, family support better than most people could beg for, relatively no complications, minimal swelling, great blood pressure, no diabetes, no cerclage, just a rapidly growing belly!

So, here I am at 33w2d....I can't BELIEVE we are still cooking and I can't BELIEVE how big I am! Today, my dear dear husband was a super sport and took me to the mall for a little excursion -- we packed that wheelchair up and off we went. You want to see a sight? Try watching two-ton tessy get pushed in a wheelchair by her oh so handsome husband into Victoria's Secret to cash in a coupon. The lady asked what size I would be needing and dear Joe says, "how about post-triplet pregnancy size....got any of those?" And the woman didn't know what to say -- she looked at me, she looked at Joe and she says, "how about extra large?" We laughed and said, "great!" I loved my excursion and am grateful for Joe to take me!!!!